Poor Paris Hilton. First there was the sex tape, then the big fight with Nicole Richie, then the breakup with the other Paris ... No wait, first was the hamburger ad controversy, then the breakup ... wait, somewhere in there was her stealing her own sex video. So it was the sex tape, the fight with Nicole, the hamburger ad, the sex video stealing, the other Paris breakup ... Oh, forget it.
Anyway, now she's been caught on tape in a
car crash outside a Hollywood nightclub. Oh, Paris, when will you give up this wild, fly-by-night lifestyle and settle down, have some kids, go through a messy, public divorce, pose naked in Playboy and star in a reality show in which you and your filthy rich kids go clubbing together? And also, when will we stop caring?
I vote for right now.
We can probably stop caring when you and others stop writing about it. Now the real crime in this case isn't the accident but the crazed paparazzi. They are way out of control...
You're on to something anon.
When I worked for CNC, I often saw Peter running after Limos with his digital camera, hoping to get that elusive snapshot of Mayor Scanlon rushing out the backdoor of city hall into the arms of Sophia Loren -
yes, for the Paris Hilton fiascos, I blame you, Peter Chianca
er...has anyone ever cared?
I wake up every day with the ultimate goal to completely in no way, shape, or form to care, think of caring, or even think about thinking of caring for any of the Hilton offspring or any other rich whelp for that matter.
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