momentarily when Vice President Dick Cheney
remembered he'd left his pacemaker back in the bunker.
Favorite quotes from President Bush's State of the Union speech:
- "We're gonna have to face it, we're addicted to love. Er, foreign oil."
- "Cars of the future will be powered by ethanol made from weed. Weeds! I meant to say weeds!"
- "The state of our union is strong. I'd even go so far as to say it's wicked strong."
- "We need to encourage children to take more math and science -- and not just gut courses, like that geology class I squeaked through at Yale."
- "Hey, Sam! Like the robe! What say we get together after the speech and roll Ted Kennedy?"
- "Anybody got some weed? Weeds! I meant to say weeds! Oh hell, just make it a bourbon."