Now they run the likes of “Being Bobby Brown,” which I’ve watched several times and which, as far as I can tell, is about the Houston-Brown family going out to dinner. OK, that’s not all it’s about. Whitney also wears funny hats.
If someone can explain to me what's going on in that family, and also why I'm strangely drawn to their off-kilter antics, please do. Meanwhile, I have one question: Dionne Warwick, why didn’t you warn Whitney? Some psychic friend you are.
dionne is busy smilin and shinin, knowing you can always count on me, for sure....
i've determined there is no point to the BBB show, except that you can't look away (like a trainwreck). whitney is just as crazy as i always thought, and bobby has an awfully big head for someone who hasn't had a real hit since my perogative.
I watched Being Bobby Brown. Once. It was like a train wreck, I couldn't NOT watch. I was really embarassed for them.
Now, a FUN show to watch and wonder how these people made it to adulthood is Anna Nicole Smith. There's a woman to ponder. lol
I watched it last night for the first time. I won't be tuning back in. Those people need serious help.
I am saddened by this episode in Whitney's career. I used to admire her! Apparently, she didn't have the good things in her life in check so she's reaping this massive backlash!
How can she ever recover!?
fourfour breaks it all down for you, each episode, with video grabs and commentary....hilarious and right on. I don't even need to watch the show.
I hope you're not knocking Columbo reruns. I've killed for less. (But not before establishing my alibi by asking a security guard for the precise time, removing the lightbulb from inside my walk-in vault, and making would-be witnesses go hunting for beverages with my subtle subliminal messaging.)
Could be worse, you could get addicted to watching "Blow Out". I watched it once and thought is was such a sad excuse for a show, I've watched it several times now and it is usually followed by BBB so I watch them both instead of using any part of my body to get the remote and change the channel.
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