Saturday, July 09, 2005

And get this: Anakin
turns out to be Darth Vader!

Well, I'm embarrassed to admit that it took me seven weeks to do it, but I finally saw "Star Wars Episode III" today. And I'd just like to thank George Lucas for realizing what the people wanted and actually giving it to us. Yes, I'm talking about more scenes of Yoda kicking Sith butt. And Wookiees. Lots and lots of Wookiees.

In fact, the only suggestion I have would be to release a special edition with all footage of Natalie Portman replaced with a different actress speaking different dialogue. Almost anybody would do -- I might suggest splicing in Sissy Spacek from "Coal Miner's Daughter."

By the way, I get that the Sith are supposed to be Republicans, but exactly who is the Emperor? I think I've got it narrowed down to Rumsfeld and Jeane Kirkpatrick.


BabyonBored said...

I have to be honest, I don't like Star Wars. But, I do like Triumph the Insult Comic Dog taking apart all the nerd in line for Star Wars. And many of them are Republicans. Even tastier.

You're funny.

Eggs Akimbo said...

I'm not so enamoured with Star Wars but I stumbled across your blog and really nejoyed reading it. So much so that I've put a link to it on mine.

Anonymous said...

I still havent seen revenge of the sith. should i be embarrassed now? hehe

praynlady said...

Ok Ok, now funny is funny but lets not pick on the republicans. I'm not a big starwars fan but lets leave it as starwars? Please. It's just one more thing I'm gonna have to try and digest today! Thanks. Still funny!

No-L said...

I thought Natalie Portman was fine for the role, it is the guy who played Anakin who should have been replaced. The love story was hard to buy into. I think it is hilarious that you think the Sith's are supposed to be Republicans.

Amy Lynn said...

I've actually been watching the "original" Star Wars trilogy and I think it is a little weird that these movies made 30 some odd years ago are so much more entertaining and well-done than these last 3...or first 3...or whatever order. I'm a personal fan of the Wookies, Ewoks, and Han Solo.

Frank Morris said...

I have seen the film, i think is a good film but I prefer the original episodes. Anyway I visited your blog and i will come back here in the future even if my english is so bad. Bye from italy.

High Power Rocketry said...

That single Triumph clip making fun of star wars is better, worth more to the world, than all the star wars films combined.

Star wars has become the pinnacle of what ruined film today: money and special effects in the place of acting and a story. Horrible, horrible films which are a total waste of money and time.

The only thing good to come from star wars was the computer game JDK.

mman said...

Funny post I enjoyed it. About the Sith/Republican thing. I just wish Lucas could have made it with less commentary on politics and more emphasis on the battle scenes. Overall I liked this final film.

Bstermyster said...

ALL I WANT TO KNOW IS....Where are the damned EWOKS???