Saturday, August 29, 2009

On the road (movie) again

For my latest Farkakte Film Flashback over at, I look at some random examples of the venerable road movie, if To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar can be considered venerable. Other subjects of this random rewind include The Muppet Movie, which I propose could only be disliked by a sociopath, and From Dusk Till Dawn, which I theorize might have been made by a sociopath:
Technically this is only half a road movie, the other half being a people-turned-into-and / or-dismembered-by-vampires movie. I can’t say I actually like this movie so much as I’m fascinated by it: just when you think it can’t get any more amoral or disgusting, it throws in a scene where, say, a girl has to kill her own brother as he’s being devoured by vampire zombies. Who wants more popcorn?
See the whole darn thing here.

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