Product placement? What product placement?
Uh-0h. Better brace for the sequels:
- The League of Extraordinary Pants
- The Legend of Sleepy Pants
- Journey to the Center of the Pants
- The Private Files of J. Edgar Pants
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Pants
- The Passion of the Pants
- The Bridges of Madison Pants
- The House of Blue Pants
- The Pirates of Pants
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Pants
Ahhh, the pants!
"Gondor has no pants! Gondor needs no pants!" - Boromir..Fellowship of The Pants.
Great blog...I always enjoy surfing in!
A Fistful of Pants
How About:
Star Pants: Episode The Phantom Pants
Sponge Bob Square Pants Pants...
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Pants.
- 7 Years in Pants
- Ferris Bueller's Pants Off
- Real Women Have Pants
and my favorite.....
- Rubbin' Hood: Men in Pants (sorry)
Disney's "Pantasia II?"
Instead of Face Off, call it Pants off but like this:
Pants off: Your wife is a slut
starring, you guessed it, Frank Stallone
Romantic Comedy:
You've Got Pants!
great ones!!
Here's a few more, if I may:
~Pantshiker's Guide to the Galaxy
~Pants of the Living Dead
~Dr. Strangepants (or How I Stopped Panting and Learned to Love the Bomb)
~John Wayne in "The Pancists".
~Gone With the Pants
and my personal favorite:
The Pants of the Killer Tomatoes!
Thanks for letting me get those pants off my chest! ;~D
haha that's funny.
funny,but wat's so great about pants?
"funny,but wat's so great about pants?"
Pants are the eternal guardian of our magical place.
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