WASHINGTON (CAP) - American Catholics this week, while generally
happy with the newly elected Pope Francis, expressed disappointment that
the new head of the Catholic Church insisted on espousing such Catholic
A new study out of the Pew Research Center said that while 74 percent of
American Catholics approve of Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio's
appointment as pontiff, almost 60 percent wished he held different views
on abortion, premarital sex, contraception and same-sex marriage.
"Most respondents questioned why the pope has to be so darn Catholic,
to use a phrase that came up over and over again," said Pew spokesman
Dr. Francis Spitznagel. In addition to those issues mentioned above,
most Catholics weren't thrilled with the new pope's views on adultery,
masturbation and "pretty much any of that sex stuff," said Spitznagel,
again quoting the study.
"Just once I'd like to see a pope who didn't have a problem with
premarital sex," said Carole Thomson, 29, who describes herself as a
"devout Catholic" who nonetheless has never married and has had 19
sexual partners, some of them women.
[Read the rest at CAP News.]