When asked how they got in to the affair, Statler said that they had "entered a contest."
"Yeah, and we lost!" added Waldorf, prompting the two of them to laugh riotously.
According to Secret Service spokesman James Mackey, the security failure occurred at the initial checkpoint. He said the Muppets should have been turned away when Waldorf said, "I have our tickets right here," and Statler turned to him and asked, "Are they good seats?" prompting Waldorf to respond, "Sure are - they're on the next train out of town!" Then they both guffawed until they were waved through to the next checkpoint.
"The failure is ours," admitted Mackey, who acknowledged that there hadn't been a puppet on the official White House guest list since Wayland Flowers and Madame visited President Carter in 1979.
Apparently Statler and Waldorf mingled with guests for several hours, even getting into a long discussion with Vice President Joe Biden, who apparently thought they were a wealthy homosexual couple upset about the military's policies toward gay recruits.
"I told him we didn't believe in Don't Ask, Don't Tell," said Statler.
"Yeah, because we were going to tell him how bad the dinner was, whether he asked or not!" said Waldorf. "Wauh-ha-ha-ha!"
1 comment:
Hi Peter - I enjoy your blog.
Noticed that your December 1 post featured the Statler & Waldorf image from my blog at http://www.rockcheetah.com/blog
I just wanted to provide proper attribution for the Statler & Waldorf "Old School" image - it is from PopArtUK at http://www.popartuk.com/tv/the-muppets/old-school-hr17100-poster.asp and is available as a poster.
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