Monday, June 20, 2005

Prints are available for $49.95

'Man's Inhumanity to Man,' by Peter Chianca

This image, which I captured during a grueling 12-hour shoot earlier today, is meant as a statement on society, the cruelty of humankind and the prevailing "culture of death." The reds are meant to symbolize the blood of inoccents, while the leafy green stalks represent a once-buoyant environment now choked by the colander of intolerance.

OK, you got me. It's a picture of a bunch of strawberries I took 10 minutes ago to make sure my camera still worked after my son whipped it across the kitchen like a Nerf ball. But don't they look juicy?


Kuroaki said...

strawberries can be interpreted in so many ways. Like how they look deceptively nice, only to taste like yesterday's yoghurt. Little red hypocrites.

Actualizing said...

I thought $49.95 was a little high.

Anonymous said...

Er, I don't want to alarm you, but there's definitely something wrong with your camera. I see a picture of cucumbers and coconuts. Yep, your son really did it this time.

Liana said...

Hey, this was a really funny start to my day! Here I am flipping through blogs, listening to my ipod, and as i'm reading this, I'm thinking "This person is nuts!" but the last paragrah was a day maker. Here in the gray muck I've been living in--I hate nasty weather--those strawberries look like real summer.

ZETAZEN said...

That was cute...and funny...

kyknoord said...

Berry nice.

Cooper said...

Looks sexy to me. I have never opted for Strawberries to symbolize otherwise.

PaintingChef said...

Glad the camera is alright...

Anonymous said...

i just looked at it and thought "yum, strawberries". then i read your post and thought about the red being blood.. THANKS FOR RUINING MY FAVORITE EVERY FRUIT!!!

nah, jusk kidding :) glad your camera is still working.

The English Student said...

They actually do look yummy. They would be really good with sugar and whipped cream.

BZTV said...

I was buyin' the whole thing! Because, as a kid, I picked strawberries every summer until my hands turned black, and I can tell you there is nothing benign about them. Very well done blog, lots of fun.

Glenn Magas said...

What's a Nerf ball? Just kidding. Do they make those anymore? I want one.

Zeppellina said...


Delete the denial...keep the title, and enter it for the Turner Prize!!