What do you know about being in boxes, Matt?
I've been in boxes, OK? Have you ever been in a box, Matt?
Tom Cruise quotes edited out of the Matt Lauer interview:
- "I know anthropology, Matt. I've been on digs, OK? Have you ever dug anything up, Matt?"
- "Please, Matt, Don't try to tell me about bocce. I know bocce, OK? I played in high school, Matt, I didn't just sit around talking about it. Did you ever play bocce, Matt? Or do you just talk about it on TV?"
- "Don't talk to me about 'Desperate Housewives,' Matt. Have you ever even watched the show? Because I've watched the show, Matt. And for you to insinuate that Bree is a sympathetic character ... You're very glib, Matt. Very, very glib. And facile. Glib and facile. Matt."
- "Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt. Do you even know what's in Twinkies, Matt? Have you ever done a chemical analysis of that cream filling? Because that's what I did. I rented a lab in New Jersey and tested that cream filling myself. Until you've tested that cream filling Matt, I don't think it's responsible for you to be on the Today show talking about Twinkies."
- "Now I'd like to jump up and down and sing a little love song about Katie. No, Matt. My Katie, not your trampy co-host. Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt."
Matt Lauer quote left out of the interview:
- Why don't you go &%$@!, you spoiled &%$@! rich &%$@!
Very interesting...and funny.
Okay this is what i wanna say: yep Matt shoulda said that. too bad about those pesky FCC regulations. Shut up Tom. Is ME the only word you can utter? No one really cares about "your" Katie, or your relationships with the world. at least i don't. its ALL a grand illusion. and you are just paparazzi shark bait.
what i am sticking to...
you are a funny funny man! thanks for the laughs.
I forget. Is it scientology or cruisology? Is there a difference?
Now that's funny!
Tom Cruise is so damn full of himself these days I can't believe he wears the same size jeans!
I don't live in the States any more, so can someone help me out? Is there any general agreement on when we can expect Tom to begin seizing his interviewers and devouring them on camera, pausing periodically to flash a dazzling, blood-spattered grin at all of us at home? Thanks for the help.
That was really funny, Chianca. Do you even know how funny it was? 'Cause I know about &*^% like that. I've watched several sitcoms in my day, so I know what funny is. Don't talk to me about funny. *Coughs, spits, and pulls hamster out of coat pocket and proceeds to swallow it whole*
Much love,
Who ever said psychotic breaks aren't funny?
That was great.
Hot damn! Oh god, my stomach hurts so much ow.....Muahahahhaha!
i am an enigma...
you have to understand that time is relative... what has been weeks for you has only been hours for me...
i am struggling for content... what do you think i should say... who are you...where in this small world are you located...what do you want from me... as a person, are you satisfied with you life at the moment... are you happy... do you know the meaning of your existence... what is it... think of what you want in life and work back from there... people are a lot meaner than you think... the only escape is death... there is only nothingness after death, no heaven, no hell, no reincarnation, just black... religion is the opiate of the masses... god is dead... what do you believe in... is there a point to any of this...
aim for a happy life filled with prosperity because this is all there is
regards the young republican
Loved it! Thanks.
thats hysterical. lol
omg...that is sooo funny, thanks I needed that laugh. Just makes him look more idiotic, which isn't too difficult these days.
I fell out of my chair ,I laughed so hard ,Thank you ,needed it
>>>Because that's what I did. I rented a lab in New Jersey and tested that cream filling myself<<<
Well, there's the problem. He tested them in Jersey.
And thanks to Tom, Matt Lauer now hates his name
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