Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wait ... You mean it wasn't Hal Holbrook?

Of course! W. Mark Felt! It was right there in front of our noses the whole time! We should have figured it was the guy that nobody ever heard of.

Meanwhile, I can't help but be a little bit sad. It's truly the end of an era: I imagine we'll never see another secret source who brings down a president and is named after a porn movie again. Although if we do, I recommend they go with "On Golden Blonde." That would be funny.


Anonymous said...

everyone wants 15 minutes of fame, no matter how long it takes to get it.

Anonymous said...

you are not famous because you are just like every other author. oh yeah, i almost forgot, your articles suck too much chode.

-- your mom

Anonymous said...

Actually, the porn movie was named after the source - not the other way around, right ? Since if i recall it was released after watergate.

Wendy said...

no, anonymous, deep throat, the movie was released in early '72, watergate happened, or was discovered in july - august of '72. the name d.t. was given after the fact for the purpose of the book.

Generation Xsquire said...

Great blog. My favorite moment since the Felt revelation: Bob Novak doens't think he's a hero. Novak. The guy who outed an undercover CIA agent to teach someone a lesson. People wonder why I'm angry.


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Mollenkamp said...

Sadly, no one waits long enough for their 15 minutes of fame for a nickname to stick. We learned about Linda Tripp, for example, way before any one could write a book and use a cool nickname for her.