Monday, May 16, 2005

Actually, Ansel Adams had one just like it

Can you speak up, Bob? I have a tripod in my ear.

The invention of the week award goes to the Cellpod, which is a tripod for your cell phone camera. This way if you're out and about and spot, say, a hummingbird, you can simply remove this handy device from your pants pocket and mount your phone to it for a less blurry than usual picture. Or say you want to take a picture of yourself and Britney Spears before she can call security. This fits the bill. Because as I always say, there's nothing more comfortable (or spontaneous!) than carrying a tripod in your pocket. Or, you can continue to take pictures of yourself that look like this.

1 comment:

John Norton said...

I dunno, that picture looks remarkably clearer and less wall-eyed than any pictures I've ever taken with a camera phone.