If only John O'Hurley had shown more navel ...
I've held my tongue up until now, but ... Blast you, Kelly Monaco! Blast you and your "General Hospital" fan base! Blast your bare midriffs and your deft handling of your wardrobe malfunctions! Blast the way you won over that catty Bruno Tonioli! Blast you for reducing the heretofore stoic Carrie Anne Inaba to gushing "You go girl!" platitudes! And blast you for winning me over in the end, you spunky underdog!
OK, I feel better now.
My vote was for Joey McIntire...though I only saw ads for the show. Gotta love the New Kid on the Block:)
I think Kelly did an awesome job!
In order to show more navel, John would have had to do something to upstange his leading lady. Anything short of nipple tassles would not be extreme enough. HA
me too!! I like Kelly and I am a part of her General Hospital fanbase, though I only voted once. :-)
I'm not so sure it was the fans who picked Kelly as the winner. After all, she's on an ABC show. Rigged? Nooooo
I thought Joey McIntire was going to win for sure!
This stuff always gets recorded right ahead of one of the other shows I've got Tivoed. Now that I know what it is, I'm finally prepared to lie down and die satisfied.
Someone come here and just stab me on the side of my head. It's best if my life leaks out slowly.
That people have opinions about this stuff is uplifting. I rejoice in our diversity.
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