Each year around this time, we like to turn over this space to Mr. Education to answer your back-to-school questions.
Dear Mr. Education:
I’ve always driven my son to school, but he wants to ride the bus this year. Should I let him?
Hesitant in Harwich
Dear Hesitant:
Absolutely. He has to learn about human reproduction somewhere, and studies have shown that it’s cheaper to have him hear it on the bus than from HBO.
Dear Mr. Education:
I’m concerned because my kids love to play sports and their schools are increasing their “user fees.” What can I do?
Broke in Bennington
Dear Broke:
Never fear: Most school districts take multi-child families into account, and set rates accordingly. (For instance, one child, $200, two children, $400, three children, $600, and so on.) They also set “family caps,” in which you don’t pay more than a certain amount no matter how many kids you have, as long as you have at least 10.
Of course, some schools charge according to how much equipment is needed, which is why you should encourage soccer, swimming and/or naked rugby.
Dear Mr. Education:
I hear because of staffing cuts class sizes will be larger than ever this year. Will this affect my child’s education?
Concerned in Canton
Dear Concerned:
You may have heard the phrase “the more the merrier.” Well, that’s never truer than in a classroom when a teacher is trying to teach 27 kids of varying temperaments and abilities how to do long division. The “more” in this case refers to the amount of Xanax she is taking, but the principle is the same.
The only problem with larger classes is that overweight children sometimes can’t fit between the desks, but fortunately studies show that of all students, this only affects 70-80 percent. (Or 90, if you also include the ones who are just “big-boned.”)
Dear Mr. Education:
If childhood obesity is such an epidemic, why don’t they make school lunches healthier?
Skeptical in Saugus
Dear Skeptical:
Well, there are several reasons. One, the healthier the lunch is, the more likely it will be thrown at classmates, typically after being ground, with extreme prejudice, into a viscous paste.
Two, government subsidies are reliant upon the school cafeterias sticking to certain approved menus, meaning if they wanted healthier food they’d have to go up against the powerful breaded cheesy fish lobby, which is rumored to have killed Jimmy Hoffa, and then breaded him.
Dear Mr. Education:
I heard because of space limitations, some of my daughter’s classes will be held in school closets! How can she possibly learn in that environment?
Outraged in Ogunquit
Dear Outraged:
It’s disconcerting, but the good news is, most of the hazardous cleaning chemicals usually stored in these closets have been eliminated due to budget cuts. Many schools don’t even use cleaning products anymore — whenever something is deemed “dirty,” whatever janitor that hasn’t been laid off is instructed to simply pour sawdust on it, and wait for June to come.
Dear Mr. Education:
I’ve heard horrible stories about bullies in my child’s middle school. What can I do?
Nervous in Needham
Dear Nervous:
First of all, don’t worry. Most bullies rarely get beyond noogies and wedgies, although some guidance counselors do report seeing a resurgence of the purple nurple.
But you can still look for the signs. For instance, if your child comes home with his hair looking like the kid from Big Boy, you’ll know that, one, bullies have given him a “swirlie” by sticking his head in the toilet and flushing.
And two, they must have installed toilets on the buses.
Peter Chianca is a managing editor for GateHouse Media New England; this column appeared originally in North Shore Sunday. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/pchianca. To receive At Large by e-mail, write to info@chianca-at-large.com, with the subject line “SUBSCRIBE.”
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