Friday, August 19, 2005

In a related story, Michael Jackson
has admitted to being a little weird

I'm so sorry to be the one to have to tell you this ... I hope you're sitting down. It seems that, well ... Courtney Love has admitted to using drugs.

I know, it's disillusioning. Sigh ... This is just how I felt when I found out Liberace was gay.


Suzie said...

All this information in one post!!!! I can't handle it.

mrs. awesome said...

i have sit down...the shock has made my knees go weak. here's another shocking prediction--frances bean has not a chance of being normal.

MuppetLord said...

oh, the horror!!

Kerstin said...

I am shocked. SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.

Marti said...

{{Slumps into chair, hand on heart........}}

Anonymous said...

Oh thing you'll tell me is that Elvis really IS dead...