I'm referring of course to the story out of Florida in which a man punched -- punched! -- a shark to rescue his 14-pound rat terrier from its jaws. Yes, I know what you're thinking: Who would want to own a 14-pound rat terrier?
Greg LeNoir, a carpenter in the Florida Keys, that's who. After his dog was pulled under by a shark at a local marina, he sprung in to action, reports the Miami Herald:
''I clenched my fists and dove straight in with all my strength, like a battering ram,'' LeNoir, 53, said Sunday, reliving the frightening ordeal. "I hit the back of the shark's neck. It was like hitting concrete.''To his credit, he succeeded and the dog is fine, although he is still a rat terrier. Meanwhile, if this doesn't become the source of a Dave Barry column, I will be very disappointed.
I have a Rat Terrier and a Border Collie. I would have done the same thing....for my Border Collie :)
Just kidding. RT's are odd little dogs. Its a cool story.
Thank you admin, good articel
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perfect thanks..
I would have done the same thing....for m
Rat Terrier and a Border Collie. I would
moulder aga reader younged coöle towtil you thanklaer
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Thanks for this document.
thanks for this post
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