It's true -- the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow (which sounds vaguely fascist, but in a nice way) has announced that your average shower curtain gives off 108 -- 108! -- different volatile organic compounds, including several that are banned in toys in the U.S. and Europe. (Although notably not in China, where "Spritzy the Shower Curtain Clown" is selling like hotcakes.)
I just want to know how it's possible that the innocent shower curtain, with its jaunty prints of fish and flowers and fresh, plasticy-good smell, could possibly be harmful? It's depressing, but fortunately we have daring legislators like Brookline, Mass. state Rep. Frank Smizik, who went out on a limb last week to declare, "Toxic chemicals simply do not belong in everyday products like shower curtains." And who says they don't really teach you anything in legislator school?
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